[0] 202 S. Highway 123, Suite E,Ozark,AL,IUSA The mission of Dale County Schools is to develop lifelong learners who have the personal, economic, technological, and social skills needed to be members of a global society.
 [0] 202 S. Hwy 123, Ste C,Ozark,AL,USA Dale County Government Offices
Ag-Plex Arena
 [1] 202 S. Highway 123, Suite D,Ozark,AL,USA We are the local county office of the Alabama Cooperative Extension System providing publicly accessible educational programs in the areas of 4-H, Youth Development, Family and Consumer Sciences, Eco...
 [0] 1177 Andrews Avenue, Suite B2,Ozark,AL,USA The Dale County Soil and Water Conservation District, a legal entity of the State of Alabama, is responsible for providing leadership in conservation and development of our natural resources. The Di...