Doing Business
The Code of Alabama 1975 
Click the link below to view Alabama's "The Code of Alabama" which provides key information about every aspect of the legislature.
Small Business Resource Guide 
Click the link below to view Small Business Administration newly updated Small Business Resource Guide
Ozark and The University of Alabama B Corp Partnership Proposal 
Click the link to view the flyer for the Ozark and The University of Alabama B Corp Partnership Proposal - B Corp Information Flyer-Updated (2).pdf
What does a B Corp certification mean? A B Corp certification represents that a company has assessed its internal and external operations and has scored high enough on the B Lab Impact Assessment in the areas of:
- High social and environmental performance
- Legal commitments to corporate governance accountability practices
- Transparency of performance data
to achieve the B Corp certification.
The Business Entity Division operates as a depository for records of domestic entities and foreign entities that have qualified to transact business in Alabama. The types of entities we serve include For-Profit Corporations, Non-Profit Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Limited Partnerships, Registered Limited Liability Partnerships, and Limited Liability Limited Partnerships.
When we can assist you, drop by our office or give our Business Entities Division a call at 334-242-5324 between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (central standard time). The Secretary of State Business Entities Division is located at 770 Washington Avenue in Suite 580. We are here to serve.
Voice: 334-242-5324
Physical Address
770 Washington Avenue, Suite 580
Montgomery, AL 36104
Mailing Address
PO Box 5616
Montgomery, AL 36103-5616
- Progressive Governmental Leadership
- Highly Skilled and Motivated Workforce
- Alabama is a Right-to-Work State
- Property Tax Abatements on Equipment and Real Estate for up to 15 years
- Sales and Use Tax Abatements for Equipment and Construction Materials Purchases
- The Lowest Property Taxes in the Nation
- No Inventory Taxes
- No Impact Fees
- Master Planned Industrial Parks
- Customized Incentive Packages for New Businesses
The following entities can provide economic development information for the state of Alabama.
Tax Incentives
- Corporations’ income tax based on net taxable income derived only from business conducted within the state determined by applying a four-factor formula of property, payroll, and double-weighted sales to total net income.
- Corporate income tax rate of 6.5 percent (individuals taxed at a rate of 5 percent).
- Full deduction for all federal income taxes apportioned to Alabama creating a significantly reduced net effective rate.
- 15 year carry forward of net operating loss
- Constitutional limit of the state mileage rate on both real and personal property to 6.5 mills, of which 3 mills are dedicated to education.
- Business property, both real and personal, taxed on 20 percent of fair market value.
- Inventories and goods-in-process are not taxed. Pollution control equipment statutorily exempt from property taxation.
- Exemption of all tangible personal property being warehoused in Alabama for shipment to a destination outside the state.
- Replaces the former franchise tax.
- Capped at $15,000 except for financial institutions and insurance companies.
Alabama Reinvestments & Abatement ACTS
- Abatement of a non-educational portion of sales and use taxes on construction materials.
- Abatement of a non-educational portion of property tax for up to 20 years.
- Existing Facility: Refurbishments, Upgrades or Placed Back in Service:
- Abatement of non-educational sales and use taxes on construction materials and equipment.
- Abatement of non-educational property taxes for up to 20 years of the incremental property tax increases.
- Exemption from taxes for increased utility services for up to 10 years.
- Consistently one of the top three statewide workforce training agencies in the U.S., Alabama Industrial Development Training is an innovative training program that provides value-added solutions for Alabama’s new and expanding industries. Services are offered at no cost to qualifying companies.
- Services include:
- Pre-employment Training
- Post-employment Training
- Maintenance Assessments
- Safety & Assistance Training
- Leadership Development
- Process Improvement
- ExTra
- Comprehensive Training
- Employee Recruitment
Sales & Use Tax
- 1.5% rate for manufacturing and farm machinery.
- 2% rate for automotive vehicles.
- 3% rate for food sold through vending machines.
- 4% general rate for all other items.
- Raw materials used by manufacturers or compounders specifically exempt from sales and use taxation
- Pollution control equipment statutorily exempt from taxation
- Credit for sales and use tax paid to another state and its subdivisions.
- Exemption for quality control testing and donations to charitable entities.
- Abatements by cities, counties, and public authorities may include:
- For qualifying industries, all state and the local non-educational portion of the construction-related transaction (sales and use) taxes associated with construction and equipping a project.
- For coal mining projects, half of the state sales and use tax may be abated.
- Utility gross receipts tax exemptions for:
- Sewer costs
- Water used in industrial manufacturing in which 50 percent or more is used in industrial processing
- Exclusions for utility services used in certain types of manufacturing and compounding processes
- An electrolytic or electrothermal manufacturing or compounding process
- Natural gas becomes a component of tangible personal property manufactured or compounded, but not used as fuel or energy
- Natural gas used to chemically convert raw materials prior to the use of such converted raw materials in electrolytic or electrothermal manufacturing or compounding process
- Increased utility tax for refurbishment, upgrades, or reopening of a facility